Guaranteed Best Rates *
  Bonus Points Promotions: New York, New York  0   1   2   3   4   5+ 
Number of offers
Showing all 345 hotels with points promotions. is now Google Maps enabled!
To see offers and properties on a map, click on a program name or hotel chain in the following PointMap™, or use the drop down menu to select a program or hotel chain.

View all 1 | ... | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44
Hotel Promotion Dates Earn with

    Embassy Suites New York Fast Track to VIP Status (AMEX)
Note: Targeted promotion (*). Registration required.

(*) Targeted promotions are designed for a specific audience. Information about these offers is usually not available on the program's website. Registration often does not work. Use these offers at your own risk. Contact the hotel program's customer service representative for more information.
View all 1 | ... | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44

How to use the PointMap™

PointMap™ is a new way to spot hotel bonus points offers. Each colored rectangle represents a single hotel. The rectangle's color represents the number of available offers. Place your mouse over a hotel to see the hotel's name and list of offers.

All the hotels that belong to the same brand (e.g., Residence Inn) are grouped together, and then the different brands are grouped according to the loyalty program they belong to.

To zoom in, click on a property, brand or program.

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